Solar Water Pumping

Solar-powered water puming is absolutely the way to go if you're using a water storage system (i.e. tower or cistern)  When your storage tank gets below a certain level, the pump kicks in and fills it (when there's sunshine)'s as simple as that.  This is a picture of a solar pump in some desert somewhere...a perfect application for this method.  I opted for this method over a traditional farm-style windmill pump because of the cost and reliability.

Cost:  I've seen these [complete?] pump systems start listing at around $300, but I imagine that has to do with a number of factors (well depth, water usage, distance to cistern).  The unit pictured appears to be considerably more elaborate than you could expect for $300.  When I get something like this set up, I'll update this page to include all involved costs and let you know how much work it was to install...including the effectiveness of the unit and any woes I encounter.



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