It's all about the insulation...

This year I took the insulation pieces I had inside the RV last year and placed them on top of the RV around the vents and things like a puzzle.  As you can see the tarps and bungees are holding them in place, as well as providing a little added wind break.  I'll be buying some more 4' x 8' sheets to put upright against the sides like skirting, held in place by the same tarps and bungee cords.  This also saves me from the big styrofoam mess inside the RV.  And yes, I'll be sticking generic dryer sheets all over the place again this year for rodent control.  I'm only spending long weekends at the property this winter, doing as much framing as I can during daylight.  I took a "real" job in the metro area to more steadily subsidize this project, with the condition of being allowed 3-day weekends.  Update:  This "outside insulation" system worked fine until the temps went below just wouldn't hold the heat after that.  My next move will be some more insulation, plus heavy canvas tarps instead of the flimsy plastic ones.



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